Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Liposuction with lipedema: Q & A with dr. Amron

We’ve covered liposuction in the past. There are still many questions, but we're no doctors and can only speak from experience. Therefore we’re proud to announce that we found dr. Amron willing to answer our questions. The ladies at Lipese Challenge, our chatgroup on Facebook, were given the opportunity to send in their questions. Below you find dr. Amron’s expert view on the issues raised. At the bottom of the Q&A you can read more about dr. Amron and his background.

1. Does medical insurance cover liposuction?
Insurance companies in the United States are very difficult to work with, and for the most part, they’re not covering liposuction surgery for lipedema. Several patients around the country have been successful getting their surgeries covered, however, most of this comes from the patient’s persistence after surgery to seek reimbursement.

When patients are successful, it’s typically through gathering a lot of support and recommendations from numerous physicians they’ve seen – these doctors explain liposuction was medically necessary in their cases. So, it would be helpful to seek medical specialists in this regard, as well as have complete reports from the physician who performs the surgery.

Right now, the majority of the general public has never heard of this disease, and even a lot of physicians and surgeons haven’t either. That being said, insurance companies aren’t recognizing it as a unique condition that needs to be covered. Hopefully things will change once there’s greater recognition of lipedema.

I’m working to increase public awareness of lipedema in various ways, with hopes it will soon translate into insurance companies recognizing it as a disease that needs to be covered, so no one is forced to suffer due to financial constraints.

2. Describe the procedure you use for liposuction on patients with lipedema.
Curing lipedema is extremely rare, and various medical treatments have been met with limited success. The only real possible cures, which I perform in my practice, are water-assisted liposuction (WAL) and tumescent lymphatic-sparing liposuction, which many surgeons are reluctant to perform.

There are several advantages to performing tumescent lymphatic-sparing liposuction to treat lipedema patients. First, it’s much safer as an approach, and as mentioned, it’s lymphatic sparing. Second, it helps prepare the tissue by reducing the bleeding during the surgery and getting a much more pure removal of the fat. Lastly, it’s very important in terms of patient positioning, which is vital to lipo-sculpture, especially with lipedema patients.

The reasoning for many surgeons’ reluctance to treat lipedema with liposuction is likely because these are very complicated areas we’re dealing with. The calves, ankles and anterior thighs are areas most liposuction surgeons who do liposuction tend to avoid, even in non-lipedema patients, as these areas are very prone to irregularities and are technically very difficult to treat.

3. You offer a procedure that is touted as lymph sparing. What makes it lymph sparing?
One of the most crucial elements of liposuction for lipedema patients is that the surgeon approaches it in a lymphatic-sparing way, with respect and care for the patient’s deeper lymphatics.

I strongly believe doing the surgery under purely tumescent local anesthesia is the best approach for not only lipedema patients, but for all liposuction patients.

When a surgery is performed under local anesthesia, the surgeon is forced to stay only within the subcutaneous layer of fat between the skin and muscle where there are no major lymphatics.          

Damage to the lymphatic system usually occurs when the patient is under general anesthesia and the surgeon has gone into areas that are deeper than the anesthesia allows.

However, under local anesthesia, that situation is almost impossible. If the surgeon were to go outside of the field of anesthesia, which is the fat layer, the patient will absolutely be able to feel the surgeon. So, by doing it under local anesthesia, it really is lymphatic-sparing because the surgeon is forced to stay within the appropriate layers of the body, ensuring there’s no damage to a person’s lymphatics. 

4. Can liposuction be performed on patients with stage three or four lipedema, or even when they have lipo-lymphedema?
Yes, patients with stage three lipedema, stage four lipedema and even patients with lipo-lymphedema can have liposuction. However, these patients need more specific care both preoperatively and postoperatively.

It’s important to wait longer between surgeries for stage three and stage four lipedema patients, as well as for lipo-lymphedema patients. In stage one or stage two patients, I’ll perform sequential surgeries fairly close together.  But, for patients who have more advanced cases, I’ll wait about four weeks between surgeries, and sometimes possibly a bit longer. It will always vary depending on the case and the patient.

Also, with patients who have more advanced lipedema, it’s really crucial to properly bandage them with compression therapy after the surgery. Furthermore, I strongly encourage and recommend my patients have proper care for manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) by Vodder trained lymphatic specialists.

5. What are your aftercare procedures for lipedema patients who’ve had liposuction?
I’m still continuing to refine my patient-aftercare technique specifically for those with lipedema, but it all depends on the stage of condition. For stage one patients, most do completely fine with the typical compression garments for liposuction. Certainly MLD can hasten the resolution of some of the swelling, but it’s not as vital as it is for patients with more advanced stages of lipedema.

Stage two patients are usually bandaged and wrapped right after surgery, and follow up with a trained MLD therapist for compression therapy thereafter. Postoperative care is essential regarding patients recovering from the third stage of lipedema, or lipo-lymphedema, and I work very closely with Vodder trained MLD specialists.

As you move into the third stage of lipedema or lipo-lymphedema, it’s important to wait approximately four weeks between surgeries. Postoperative care at this point in the disease is extremely important, and I work very closely with Vodder trained MLD specialists.

6. Does the fat grow back after liposuction? Is there something we can do to prevent regaining fat on the legs?
With my aesthetic liposuction patients, my answer is normally a flat-out “no”, the fat will not return to the areas where liposuction is done properly. However, in lipedema patients, I do think there’s potential for the fat to return. In my experience treating lipedema with liposuction, I’ve never seen it happen to any patients of my practice. However, I’ve heard stories from other patients about fat growing back. It’s possible that the procedure was not done as completely as it should have been, and that left fat in the body to duplicate.

Ultimately, this question cannot be answered with complete certainty, but there is a possibility that lipedema patients could theoretically see fat regrow in areas if liposuction surgery is not done properly.

7. What is the long-term effect of surgery? Are there reports of lipedema patients 5-10 years after liposuction surgery?
If liposuction surgery is done properly, patients will not have any more of the diseased fat in their body, and they will continue on with normal lifestyles.

In lipedema patients there’s an aspect of hypertrophy, which means growth of new fat tissue. That said, in theory the fat could come back years later, but since I’ve known of lipedema, I’ve never seen the fat return.

Certainly, if there’s a component of lymphedema along with the swelling that comes along with lipedema, I do expect the fat component to return. For your average lipedema patient, however, the fat should not return in the long run.

I’m fairly certain there are no studies in the United States addressing the long-term benefit of liposuction for lipedema, and this is research that certainly needs to be done.

8. Should liposuction leave women with sagging skin, what are our options to fix that?
Whether it’s for lipedema or not, liposuction should always cause tightening of the skin. However, when someone has a lot of redundant loose skin, the surgeon has to be careful of how much retraction of the skin he or she is going for.

After liposuction surgery, if someone already has a lot of loose skin to begin with, there may be a need for a subsequent body lifting procedure, such as a thigh lift. It’s very important to consult with a surgeon who has vast experience in body lifting procedures, and has an understanding of the specific limitations of a lipedema and/or lipo-lymphedema patient.

9. How young can liposuction be performed for lipedema patients?
In most patients, the disproportionate storage of fat is already set in place in the middle of their teenage years typically, after they’ve started their menstrual cycles. That’s generally the youngest age I will perform liposuction on a patient, and I would apply that age range to lipedema patients, too. If lipedema has been already been diagnosed and there’s disproportion in place, quite honestly, the earlier it’s targeted, the better. This will prevent it from advancing to its later stages.

About Dr. David Amron
Dr. David Amron, M.D., is a board-certified dermatologic and cosmetic surgeon with two decades of experience and specialization in all aspects of liposuction surgery. He is medical director of the Roxbury Institute in Beverly Hills, CA.  Amron has an international reputation for excellence in complicated liposuction cases and revision liposuction surgery. His unique approach to difficult-to-treat areas, as well as lipedema, has been extensively featured in the media. His years of surgical experience, specifically with liposuction, along with his skilled artistry and refined judgment, are an essential part of the care he brings to the treatment of every lipedema patient.

Passionate about education, Amron regularly publishes articles and videos, and has contributed content to various medical textbooks and media outlets including the Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and Cosmopolitan. Entertainment Tonight calls Dr. Amron “Guru of Liposuction,” and he’s been featured on programs such as Discovery Channel, the Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, BBC, 60 minutes Australia, Extra, Inside Edition, VH1, ABC News and more.

Amron attended both UCLA and UC San Diego, where he received his bachelor’s degree. After earning a medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, Amron returned to Southern California, where he continued his residency at UC San Diego and research fellowship at UCLA.

Stay in touch with Dr. Amron by following him on Twitter, Facebook and Google +

Be sure to stay educated and informed – check out Dr. Amron’s RealSelf profile, YouTube and issuu for lipedema and liposuction blogs.


  1. This is most beneficial post which amazingly describes the problems and solution over the liposuction. I really like this post. Keep posting.
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  2. Enormous information in just one blog post. Thanks for sharing such a useful info with us. great job keep updating!!!
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  3. I am wheelchair bound and keeping weight off is a bit of a struggle. Would I be a good candidate for a liposuction procedure? My only concern is that I do have to lift myself everywhere. This could be problematic during recovery if I have stitching to be mindful of.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Bryan. Unfortunately we're not able to offer medical advice. You can contact Dr. Amron directly or another doctor of your choice and they can discuss your needs with you.

  4. Hello, can Dr. Armor diagnose me? If not what kinda me of Doctor would I need to see to get diagnosed?

    1. As dr. Amron has knowledge of lipedema and is a doctor, he would be able to assess whether you have lipedema. However, ideally people first see a dermatologist, phlebologist or endocrinologist to be diagnosed and receive more general information regarding lipedema management and, if necessary, provide you with prescriptions.
      Ideally, that is, since not all dermatologists, phlebologists and endocrinologists have (sufficient) knowledge of lipedema.

  5. I have been diagnosed with stage 3 Lipedema, My life has totally been ruined by this disease. I have Medicare and Medicaid, but they refuse to pay for the only treatment that may help. I will never have a relationship in this painful and debilitating condition. Is there a clinic where one can apply for assistance or probono treatment? Just how do you find a physician who is excellent in dealing with this disorder? In our state the Medical Board will only tell you names of physicians, not if they are the best in their field. I want my life back, or at the very lease

    1. Pro Bono treatments do not exist to the best of my knowledge. For a list of informed doctors you can consult THE doctors directory on THE website of themFDRS (fatdisorders.org), If I remember the url correctly by heart.

    2. I checked: it's fatdisorders.org. I hope that helps.
      The advanced stages of lipedema are very challenging. I hope you find the help you need.

  6. Nice and really informative post.. It should be the useful for people who wanted to reduce there fat problems. Thanks.
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    1. Ashish Davalbhakta your reply seems to actually be to promote a liposuction business. I say this because the links you provided show that the business treats "healthy" people. Those on this board are not so, they are here to receive answers and possible help with lipedema.

    2. Anonymous, that is correct. This comment containing promo links has slipped through.

  7. Very informative and impressive post you have written, this is quite interesting and i have went through it completely, an upgraded information is shared, keep sharing such valuable information.

  8. Enjoyed reading this. So, you mention that, if there's a component of lymphoedema along with the swelling caused by lipoedema you expect the fat component will return? Could you please expand on that further? Thanks

  9. Id like to know if natural bioidential hormones instigate the continuation of lipoedema after menopause. Secondly, is it possible to develope lioedema in your arms as a continuous if your lower limb edema. It seems like my lower arms are getting puffy.

    1. There's currently no research on taking hormones with lipedema. In artificial form some doctors recommend not taking them. I'm not sure if it would be different if they were bio identical.
      Lipedema can continue to develop, unfortunately. Eventually the arms can get affected too.

  10. IM 69 YEARS OLD AND ONLY FOUND OUT WHAT I had at 67. No one new what I had nor did any medical personnel care. I would always say I store my fat in my legs and Doctors insisted I was retaining fluid. Good thing I knew my body and a nurse. Shame on the number 1 country for advancement in medicine to be so far behind. So many women suffered because of this ignorance.
    Im alot better than modt because for dome reason my mom new what was good to eat and too poor to by junk food. Now when I had liposuction done I dont tighten up as I should do to my age. But Im happier with the surgerybthan without. Still so few doctors know anything about this disease. Why is it that there still aren't very many doctors who know about this disfiguring disease..In Connecticut , no one except for the doctors I am educating, and with reluctance they kind of listen.

  11. I also want to say that my lipoedema never got out of hand til menopause and my diet that I lived by all my life consisted of high protein ;low carbs minimal sweets always no soda , no artificial foods, and always organic even before I knew it was changed on the consumers. I just knew it was affecting me in a negative way. I knew instinctively carbs and sugars were not good for me. A somewhat PALEO type diet serves this disease well.

  12. I feelthst my old fashioned Mom who only gave us 3 squares a day and very minimal sweets saved my lipoedema from getting increasing fat deposits earlier than
    later. Hi protein is the way to go. I have been with this disease from 69 y/0s. Just starting some liposuction . Fortunately for me I can get it done without savong to do it. Sad for those who dont havevthe resources. Thanks
    By the wy do you gbink any research will ever be done on this as I feel my darling granddaughter, who is 7
    has this disease. And how can I find out if there is research being done.

    1. There is research, but not enough. For instance look at the research page on lipese.com. However, it does look like more research is starting up. That still means our patience will be tried some more, as that usually takes a couple of years at least before anything comes out in the open.

  13. How can I find out if any research is being done of any substance. My darling granddaughter, who is 7 has the build that I have and I dread the day I see advancement in the fatty deposits. She is 7 now.

  14. I am starting to notice in the past couple months that my wrists are getting puffy and I have bumps in the interior antecubital space. My question to Dr. AMRON is :do I start to get liposuction now or do I wait for morexample to develope? My upper arms started you lose all their tone over the past year. I imagine I can get my arms tightened or just do nothing as long as they stay like this I'm OK. But the puff look I need to do liposuction as that I can't live
    with. Can anyone cosmetic surgeon do this liposuction or only ones who know about lipoedema? Thank you so much for listening to all of us.

    1. I'm not sure whether Dr. Amron keeps track of the comments, but it's hard to tell whether it will stay this way or possibly worsen. It's also hard to make a proper assessment without seeing you.
      Lipedema is not widely known. If you would consider liposuction I would opt for an informed doctor. They are more aware of the importance of the lymphatic system and sparing it best they can. Also, uninformed doctors with a cosmetic touch generally remove less. This can also matter for your prognosis.

  15. Thank you. I found a vascular surgeon in NYC Dr. GREUNER . IF anyone knows lymphatic he dies. He was trained by Dr. STUTZ of Germany as I'm sure you know. Thank you once again

  16. I know all these answers. It's like the blind leading the blind. Noone seems to have direct answers. We will all keep searching.

    1. I wish it were different... After decades of mostly superfically describing the condition and testing what treatments do, we're only just beginning to scratch at the surface of more indepth research into the condition itself. But at least it's starting... No insight, no answers.

  17. Thank you. I found a vascular surgeon in NYC Dr. GREUNER . IF anyone knows lymphatic he dies. He was trained by Dr. STUTZ of Germany as I'm sure you know.http://lifescc.com

  18. I had the sleeve 2 years ago and have lost 186 pounds and now weigh 175. I'm 5'4" and 53 years old. I think I have stage 3 lipedema. My legs and upper arms are horrible. Even with the weight loss they are still quite large. I still have fat pads above and below the knee, although they are not as big as they were. The back of my calves are still large but quite wrinkly and bumpy. I have huge hanging fat pads in my upper arms. I'm considering skin removal but should I have WAL done first?

    1. if at all posdible you, I would get an appointment with a specialized surgeon. He/she should be able to tell you what would be correct for you. Possibly you could benefit more If you had liposuction first, perhaps they don't see grounds for that. And you need to have assessed If you are a good candidate for these surgeries. Good luck!

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Can someone tell me the purpose of that post from Robert Linde?

    1. Looks like a little spam managed to slip through the cracks again. Sigh...

    2. We get an awful lot of spam comments. We can't always see beforehand If and where they link to. But when spotted we remove them again. Thank you for pointing it out.

  21. I am dealing with Lipedema and extra body weight. Will gastric sleeve help to reduce my legs at all? What is the cost for this procedure and would Michigan insurance cover it?

    1. Gastric surgery may reduce your legs to some extent, but - finally - research has been done on the effect on lipedema, as until recently we only had anecdotal information. The effect is limited: http://www.soard.org/article/S1550-7289(16)30044-2/abstract?cc=y. It's more so a treatment for obesity. We're not big fans of the procedure and have therefore never explored coverage. We can't help you with information on that, sorry.

  22. Insurance doesn`t cover liposuction. I had high def liposuction because I couldn`t cope with my weight. Thank you for sharing all this questions and answers. Cheers!

  23. thanks for sharing such valuable info with us and keep doing your work
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