Saturday, December 14, 2013

Central Cleaning, Self-empowerment, and Walking Well One Step at a Time

By Dawn Henderson with Maggie McCarey

Dawn Henderson is one of our faith-driven forum members who keeps lipedema where it belongs as a part of her life. She has reported some compelling success and we have asked her to share her protocol with us. Ultimately, regardless of the surgeries, diets, etc we lipese embrace, we all have to find what works for us; sometimes in that process, we stumble onto something that might work for many of us. Dawn has discovered something called “central cleaning,” which is a very exciting possibility for many of us, and she has also found the right eating plan for her. Dawn’s Lifestyle Plan. Read about Dawn’s success in her own words.

Having lipo-lymphedema has been very challenging for me. I was diagnosed within the past six months with this, but have had this since I was a teenager. I wanted to talk today about how a total lifestyle change is allowing improvement in my health and my life.

One area that has made a difference is the food I eat. I used to eat processed and fast food a lot. It has taken me a while, but I now I love to eat fresh veggies and fruits. I also cook most meals at home if I am able to. I also love lots of chicken. I am working on adding fish. I have never really been too fond of fish, but I do enjoy salmon. I eat very little if any salt on my food. The salt causes pain and inflammation in my legs. I do treat myself with chocolate once and a while. I do not deny myself of the food that I want, that way I do not feel deprived. (Editorial note: whoop, whoop, whoop!)

Another area that has made a difference to me is exercise. Last year I could barely get around. I now get outside and take short walks. I also could not get into a car without my daughter's help. Now I am able to get in and out of a car by myself. My goal is to be able to drive by April of 2014. There are two types of exercises that I do that help me. Walking is one of these exercises. The other is called 'central clearing'. I learned this from my physical therapist. It is doing massage and movement on the sides of my neck, collar bone, under arms, shoulder rolls, circular rubbing of my belly, pressing different areas of the belly while I do deep breathing, holding each leg up while doing ankle pumps, and then doing leg lifts while sitting. This has really helped me in loosing the skin on my legs. They used to be really tight and heavy. It allows me to get around better. In the past six months I have lost three inches off of my legs.

I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but my life has improved so much and will continue to improve. (Editorial note: It is A LOT to take responsibility for your own healing)

Three inches is a lot, Dawn! And in the right direction. We were so intrigued by this “central cleaning” idea at Lipese, we got busy researching it. Hey, if yoga breathing can make you lose weight, why not pressuring the body to clear it of inflammation.

We didn’t find much in the mainstream literature but we did find a tantalizing article written by people who practice Eastern medicine. (essentially seeing non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical support for the body to heal itself). In the last several years, many Western modalities have begun to embrace Eastern medicine. Cranial-sacral therapy, sound therapy, massage, Donna Eden techniques, polarity, etc. I am glad to hear that “central clearing” has found its way into physical therapy protocol and language.

The following article on embraces both Western and Eastern medicine to gain optimum healing effect:


The Central Nervous System (CNS), the brain and spinal cord, is the major collection of nerve tissue in the body. The CNS is the major distribution network for the energy of the nervous system for feeding energy to all the tissues and organs in our system. The CNS clearing process is an important step…. Grounding… is affected in a number of ways from the CNS Clearing process. The spinal cord, at the level of the sacrum, connects directly to the sciatic nerves, the biggest nerves in the body. If, as we have found, an open pathway of energy through the nerves enhances body sensation and presence in the body, then opening this pathway through the brain, spinal cord and all the way through down the sciatic nerves gives us a remarkable, felt connection to the earth, to grounding, from the head to foot.

That's a lot! We use this connection to help people who tend to become overwhelmed by their emotions a way to feel grounded and embodied without going through their visceral core where strong emotions tend to be felt. Directional flow and emotional modulation- This same process establishes a directional flow of energy through the nervous system, the body and the auric field which we call "downward flow." Downward flow enhances ones grounding and bodily presence and counters the upward flow of fight/flight and anxiety (SNS over-arousal). It also helps bring our awareness down into the rest of the body if we tend to live in our head.

This article can be read in total, and with Eastern medicine description, at the following site: (unnamed author )

In Cranial Sacral therapy, we find emotions hidden in pockets, called Energy Cysts by Dr. John Upledger, hidden all through the body. I witnessed an event in one of my Upledger classes, which always amazes me when I think about it. A fellow student was having mouth work done and when a cranial release occurred, the woman began singing opera in the most angelic voice. She had never sung because she “couldn’t carry a tune in a basket.” So yes 3 inches, and soft tissue, not hard, painful, and swollen, is a lot of right direction. DNA is an uncharted frontier as is the concept that we have perfect bodies in an imperfect world. Thank you Dawn for this wonderful testimony to your hope in action as you exercise faith and trust in finding you place in God’s design.

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