Monday, January 7, 2013

My first Whole 30 - Week 1

By Christina Routon

For the January Lifestyle Challenge I chose to start a paleo diet. I went all in by following a program called Whole 30. You can find out more about this plan at Whole9Life and check out the following websites for recipes:

The Clothes Make the Girl (I'm also using her cookbook, Well Fed)
Nom Nom Paleo

Whole 30 is an elimination plan (no grains, legumes, dairy (except ghee and eggs), sweeteners of any kind) and it also includes other rules such as:

No "paleo" treats
No "paleo-ifying" regular foods - no "paleo bread", etc.

This means my gluten-free pancakes with sugar-free syrup are out, as well as the corn tortillas and grits, peanut butter, and other things I was still eating. Also, all sweeteners, including stevia, Splenda, Truvia, agave - are out. It's been a learning curve, but I'm doing okay. I'm not having the cravings / headaches other people have talked about during the Whole30 timeline as I'd already gone wheat-free / sugar-free.

Here are a few things I've learned this week. The lessons should apply to any type of plan you're doing.

Plan ahead - This is crucial. I can't just run out and grab something to eat for lunch or toss something together for dinner. There has to be a plan in place and food has to be ready ahead of time.

Keep it simple - Don't try to make meals that consume too much time in the kitchen. It's been a week and I already feel as if I'm in kitchen jail. I do try to cook ahead as Melissa recommends in her book, Well Fed, but I end up cooking for about two days ahead instead of the week. One of my rules for recipes - must include items found in my local grocery store. The only item I bought at a health-food store was Coconut Aminos.

Get family participation - My husband is doing this with me as a show of support. It's always nice to have support and participation. Our son still lives with us, but he's been buying his own food.

It doesn't have to be expensive - Yes, I know a lot of paleo and primal sites want you to buy grass-fed beef and free-range chicken and organic vegetables. I can't afford those at this point in time. I buy what I can, even if it's not perfect. I do check the dirty dozen list to see if the vegetables / fruit should be bought organic, though, and if I can I buy them organic or do without. I started buying ingredients and testing recipes during the weeks leading to Christmas, just to test them out. So far, I've only exceeded my weekly grocery budget twice in about three weeks, and then by $20.

I'm not weighing until the end of January, but I do have my weight and measurements from the end of December to compare. However, I'm not doing this for weight loss. As many of you know, with lipedema we're not really trying to "lose weight". We're trying to fight inflammation. Some of what I'm doing may result in weight loss, but I'm not expecting my legs to change overnight. I'm not expecting to drop a significant amount of weight. My reason for following this plan in January and continuing with the paleo / primal diet is to reduce inflammation I already have and prevent any more from occurring.

Starting today, January 7, I'm adding exercise back into my routine as well.

How are you doing on your January challenge?

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